Tuesday, June 28, 2011

lemon yogurt muffins

bila tengok resepi ni kat dapur zarin
amboila.. kecoq ayaq lioq!

semalam dah beli lemon
tapi lupa beli yogurt :(
hari ni letak dlm notes - to buy
first in the list is yogurt ;)

tadi execute the baking of this muffins
untuk kak insyirah punya kawan2 & her lovely class teacher - t.zarina

sumber: periukbelangazarin
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup castor sugar (saya guna 1/2 cup sahaja)
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup lemon or plain yogurt (saya guna yogurt)
  • 6 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted (saya guna unsalted butter)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  1. In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients.
  2. In another bowl, beat the egg, yogurt, butter and lemon juice.
  3. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened.
  4. Fill greased muffin cups two-thirds full.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees C for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  6. Cool for 5 minutes; leave muffins in pan.
  7. Using a toothpick, poke 6-8 holes in each muffin.
  8. In a saucepan, combine the topping ingredients. Cook and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Spoon over warm muffins.

packing in progress

seghiau jugak bila insyirah kata masam - nanti kawan kakak tak suka :/
oh well.. she licked the topping! manala tak masam kan?
the muffins itself tak masam langsung. sedap bangat! lembut & gebush :)
another yummm muffins! me likey!
hope the kids & teacher zarina will like it.

krissy's best ever corn muffins

cornmeal yg beli sebulan (ke.. 2bulan?) yang lalu masih berbaki
maka mula operasi mencari resepi cornbread atau corn muffins..
jumpa dalam allrecipes.. tengok comments banyak positive..
boleh cuba buat.. bagi utk luqman & kawan2 makan masa wrap-up, insyaallah!

sumber: allrecipes.com
  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 2/3 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease a 12 cup muffin pan.
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Beat in the honey, eggs and salt. Mix in flour, cornmeal and baking powder. Stir in milk until batter is smooth. Fold in corn. Spoon into prepared muffin cups.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tops of muffins are lightly browned.

the sweetness is just rite with the cornish taste..
oh! so yummm!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

buttermilk banana bread versi marble

saya suka nak cuba macam2 resepi..
maka, jarang sekali saya buat satu2 resepi lebih dr 2x
melainkan ada permintaan.. macam rvc & blackforest
tapi kek pisang yang satu ni saya sgt suka..
jadi kali ni saya lainkan sikit - 'marble'kan ia ;)

sumber: oneordinaryday
  • 1/2cwn butter (115g) <-- dilembutkan pada suhu bilik
  • 1 1/2cwn gula <-- saya kurangkan ke 1 1/4cwn
  • 2biji telur
  • 1cwn pisang, dilenyek2 dilecek2
  • 4sdb buttermilk <-- 1sdk cuka+4sdb susu
  • 1sdk vanilla
  • 1 3/4cwn tepung
  • 1sdk baking powder
  • 1/2sdk garam
  • 1/4sdk baking soda
  1. panaskan oven ke 175C, gris dan tabur tepung pada loaf pan 9x5inci.
  2. pukul butter dan gula hingga kembang.
  3. masukkan pisang, telur, buttermilk dan vanilla. gaul sebati.
  4. masukkan bahan2 kering: tepung, bp, garam dan bs. gaul sebati.
  5. tuang kedalam loaf pan dan bakar selama 55-65minit.
sepatutnya campurkan 2sdb coklat emulco kedalam sebahagian adunan tapi saya nak habiskan coklat ganache DFCC semalam.. saya cuma drop few spoonfull of choc ganache kedalam adunan kek dan lorekkan hingga kesan marble terbentuk.

saya tersilap masukkan tepung masa nk putar butter dan gula. jadi terputar tepung, gula & butter sekaligus. kemudian, saja buat eksperimen.. kurangkan suhu 170C dan bakar 60min.. kek agak lembut dan mudah lerai. tak pasti pulak kesan drp tercampur tepung-gula-butter atau coklat ganache ataupun penurunan suhu.. tapi cek tetap sukaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

devil's food chocolate cake

pagi ni bangun dengan perasaan tak best
astaghfirullah.. patutnya bersyukur sebab masih bernyawa!
semalam tidur mati! dan termimpi sahabat di opis telah meninggal dunia
saya terasa betapa hampirnya kematian itu dengan diri ini..
tapi bila bangun lupa nak istighfar.. lupa nak bersyukur!
apa yg saya buat? capai hp tgk jam pukul berapa..
dan bukak fb.. tgk notifikasi.. ada birthday sahabat usrah.
hah? lupa ada usrah! apa pun tak buat semalam
lagi sekali perasaan tak best itu datang
astaghfirullahal 'azim..

masa tengah mandi.. kepala rewind menu2 kek yang ada
dalam masa yg sama.. dok fikir bahan2 yg masih dlm stok
walnuts, fruits, coconuts.. semua dah habis.
akhirnya, DFCC ni jadi pilihan..

bila turun kedapur selepas subuh, jam dahpun 7am
tiba2 mixer pulak buat hal! astaghfirullah 'azim...
beater tak boleh insert sebab tepung berketul kat dalam lubang kecil tu
saya beristighfar beberapa kali & muhasabah sekejap
tarik nafas dalam2.. tenangkan diri dulu.. cuba godek2 kembali..
dah cuba berkali-kali masih belum berjaya.. akhirnya biar dia pusing dgn perlahan saja
jenoh jugak menunggu butter+gula kembang.
udahla buat 2adunan sekaligus.
740am baru berjaya masuk oven..
konfem lambat lagi hari ni!

kek ni dah pernah buat dulu tapi tak puas rasa..
then saja ngengade mintak kak yani of KG buatkan.. ;)
konon2 utk bday luqman.. tapi kami anak beranak yg habiskan!
uuu.. very the delisioso! menjilat jari dengan penuh perasaan!
thank you so much kak yani! mmmmuuaaahhhssssssss :-*

nampak macam hedgehog-lah!

sumber: kakyani, sis rima, err.. originally tatau daripada siapa
but this cake really rocks!!!! eh. tetiba macam ganas plak :p

the cake
  • 1cwn tepung
  • 1/4cwn serbuk koko
  • 3/4sdk baking soda
  • 1/4sdk garam
  • 1/2cwn gula castor
  • 1/2cwn gula perang
  • 65g butter 
  • 1biji telur
  • 1sdk vanilla
  • 1/4cwn buttermilk
  • 1/2cwn air suam
  1. panaskan oven ke 170C dan gris loyang 
  2. ayak tepung, koko, soda dan garam dan ketepikan.
  3. pukul butter dan gula hingga gebu. masukkan telur & pukul sebati.
  4. masukkan bahan kering (tepung etc) secara selang seli dgn bahan basah (buttermilk & air).
  5. akhir sekali masukkan vanilla dan pukul sebati.
  6. tuang kedalam loyang dan bakar 30minit (saya bakar 40min)
the cream cheese layer
  • 250g cream cheese
  • 125g butter
  • 1cwn gula aising
  • 1sdk esen vanilla
  • sedikit lemon juice (tak letak)
  1. pukul cheese dan butter hingga creamy.
  2. masukkan gula dan vanilla dan pukul sebati.
the ganache
  • 200ml double cream
  • 250g dark chocolate
  • secubit garam
  • 1/2sdb butter <-- saja tambah tadi
  1. panaskan cream dgn cara double boil hingga agak2 nak didih.
  2. masukkan coklat dan garam dan kacau hingga coklat cair.
  3. tutup api dan kacau hingga adunan betul2 sebati.
  4. masukkan butter semasa adunan masih panas. 
the assembly
  1. tunggu hingga kek sejuk baru sapu cream cheese dan tuang ganache keatas layer cheese.
the cream cheese portion agak banyak.. makanya.. separuh adunan dah cukup utk sebiji kek.

saya buat 2 adunan..
satu untuk bday sahabat usrah yg tak dpt datang usrah dan tak dapat makan bday kek-nya :p
dan satu lagi konon2 untuk reunion skolah pada sabtu depan tapi saya ingat sabtu esok!
ya rabbbiiiii.. banyaknya dosa! segala benda pun lupa!!!
sila buat solat sunat taubat dgn segera!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

boiled fruit cake

dari raya tahun lepas lagi plan nak buat kek buah ni
sampai dah nak puasa tahun ni baru terlaksana
tiap kali nak buat rasa macam tak sesuai
sebab rasa macam kek buah ni sedap dimakan time raya

semalam buat dengan niat nak bagi kat cikchibi
yg sedang menjaga anaknya dihospital.. mana tau kek ni boleh menceriakannya
simpati sungguh pada cikchibi.. suaminya pun dihospital jugak
suaminya kena demam denggi.. manakala anaknya suspected pneumonia
anak sulong dan baby syifa terpaksa ditinggalkan di rumah pengasuh..
semoga Allah tabahkan hatinya dan beri kekuatan padanya utk menempuh dugaan ini..

sumber: joyofbaking
  • 1cwn gula perang <-- saya kurangkan ke 3/4cwn
  • 1cwn air panas
  • 1/4cwn (56g) unsalted butter
  • 1sdk serbuk cinnamon
  • 1/2sdk serbuk bunga cengkih
  • 1sdk serbuk halia
  • 2cwn seedless raisins
  • 2biji telur, dipukul sedikit
  • 1 1/2cwn tepung
  • 1sdk baking soda
  • 1sdk vanilla
  • 1cwn candied and chopped mixed peel (saya letak buah2 kering yg buat kek buah tu..)
  1. panaskan oven 175C dan gris dan tepungkan loyang 9x5inci.
  2. masukkan bahan2 dari gla perang sehingga raisins kedalam periuk sederhana besar. didihkan bahan2 tersebut selama 5minit. tutup api dan biarkan sejuk seketika.
  3. masukkan baki bahan2 lain dari telur hingga buah2 kering dan gaul sebati.
  4. tuang kedalam loyang dan bakar selama 45-60minit. 
  5. Cover and store, if possible, for a few days before serving. This fruit cake can be frozen. <-- ayat dlm joyofbaking.com

bakar dlm toolbox! :p

saya rasa kek buah ni paling senang untuk dibuat! :)

    Wednesday, June 22, 2011

    popina white chocolate and coffee truffle brownies

    kerapkali bila berpuasa
    tekak ni teringin sesuatu yg manis
    sebab tu agaknya masa bulan puasa macam2 kuih manis dijual?

    semalam lepas berbuka terus buat truffle brownies ni
    mula2 tengok rasa eiii.. soheh manis melecaih!
    tapi bila belek semalam rasa teringinnyaaaaaa........
    ok. makan sikit sudah. dah cukup lebaq ok!

    sumber: popina book of baking
    • 240g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids) <-- saya guna beryl's
    • 100g unsalted butter
    • 2sdk instant coffee
    • 3sdb air panas gelegak
    • 3biji telur
    • 135g gula caster <-- saya letak 120g
    • 55g tepung
    • 70g white chocolate, dipotong kecil
    • serbuk koko, utk diayak atas brownies
    1. panaskan oven 150C. gris loyang 4segi bersaiz 7inci (saya guna 8inci). lapik dengan kertas dan biar kertas terlebih di kedua penjuru supaya senang nak angkat nanti.
    2. double-boil chocolate dan butter. biar sejuk seketika.
    3. sebatikan kopi dan air panas. ketepikan dulu.
    4. pukul telur dan gula hingga betul2 kembang. masukkan kopi. ayak tepung keatas adunan dan kaupbalikkan perlahan2 hingga sebati.
    5. masukkan coklat cair dan gaul sebati. masukkan coklat putih, gaul sebati.
    6. tuang adunan kedalam loyang dan bakar selama 15minit. brownies akan naik sikit saja.
    7. biar sejuk kemudian ayak serbuk koko keatas brownies.

    this is indeed a truffle brownies!
    very very truffle-like. very chocolatey. and sweet. of course :p
    sikecik nuha tu suka sungguh!
    ummi dah potong kecik2 nak tapau ke opis
    abih satu tapawer tu dia ambil letak atas riba.
    btw, brownies ni lebih senang dimakan dengan sudu
    kalau nak senang potong, kena tambah tepung sikit lagi..
    its still wobbly when i take out from the oven..
    masuk peti ais baru keras sikit but still.. very messy bila dipotong.

    Monday, June 20, 2011

    tray-baked chicken and squashed potatoes

    bila member tanya nak tak buku jamie ni?
    jangan ditanya.. mestilah nak!
    hehe.. dasar suka kumpul buku :D

    dua resepi pertama dari buku pakcik jamie:

    tray-baked chicken
    squashed potatoes

    • dried oregano
    • sweet paprika
    • a knob of butter
    • 4 skinless chicken breasts
    • 1 lemon
    • 300g cherry tomatoes on the vine
    • 4 rashers of streaky bacon
    • a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary
    • olive oil
    • salt & pepper
    • 700g small red-skinned potatoes or new potatoes
    • a few sprigs of fresh rosemary
    • a couple of fresh bay leaves
    • 6 cloves of garlic

    METHOD (in Jamie's own words):

    Get all your ingredients and equipment ready. Fill and boil the kettle.
    Put a medium saucepan on a medium heat, a large frying pan on a low heat.
    Turn the grill to full whack.

    Wash the potatoes, then halve lengthways (or leave whole if using new potatoes) and add to the saucepan with a pinch of salt.
    Cover with boiled water, put the lid on and boil hard around 12-14minutes, or until cooked through.

    Turn the heat under an empty frying pan to high.
    Get out a large sheet of greaseproof paper. Sprinkle over a good pinch of dried oregano, salt and pepper and paprika, then drizzle over some olive oil and add a lug to the hot frying pan too, along with the knob of butter.
    Lay the chicken breasts on top of the greaseproof paper and roll them in the flavours. Add to the hot frying pan and fry for 4 to 5 minutes, or until golden on both sides. While this is happening, clear away the greaseproof paper and wash your hands.
    Get out a nice roasting tray, then quarter the lemon and chuck it in the tray along with the vine tomatoes.
    Tip in the chicken breasts and any juices from the pan. Use tongs to arrange everything nicely, then lay the bacon on top of the breasts.
    Add the sprigs of rosemary to the pan and move them around so that they get coated in the juices.
    Pop them into the tray, then whack the tray under the grill for at least 14 minutes.

    Check the potatoes are cooked, then drain and let them steam dry for a minute or two. Add a couple of lugs of olive oil, leaves from a few sprigs of rosemary and the bay leaves to the empty frying pan.
    Put the potatoes on top of the herbs in a flat layer, drizzle over some olive oil and sprinkle over some salt.
    Crushed 6 unpeeled cloves of garlic, then turn the heat up to high.
    Get a flat lid from a smaller pan and really press down so you burst and squash the potatoes.
    Leave to color, then toss after about 3 minutes and squash down again.
    Keep checking, squashing and turning so the potatoes get golden all over.

    Take the tray of chicken out from under the grill. Check the breasts are cooked through.
    Tip the potatoes on to a platter, take to the table and tuck in!

    the lemon adds a delicious tang to the dish, while the tomatoes burst to release a sweetness that perfectly rounds off the flavours.
    pergh.. bahasa! terasa begitu ranggi sekali. hehe :p
    its very simple tapi bila tengok buku tu mula2 rasa serabut alam!
    sebab dia dah susun all the recipes for one dinner sitting..
    dan the method mcm kat atas.. mula2 potato then chicken pastu patah balik tgk potato.
    itu baru 2 menu. pakcik ni buat skali sitting 3-4 resepi siap dengan dessert pun ada!
    kalau kita nk tukar2.. bertambah serabut jadiknya.
    this recipe is served with spinach.. tapi saya tak buat pun.
    takde stok bayam plak masa tu.. so makan ayam dgn kentang je lah.
    dessert? makan puding jek :p 

    pear and banana muffins

    everytime i call or meet teacher zarina
    she will say, we miss your muffins
    malu rasanya..
    bila nak buat, asik tak cukup bahan
    bila dah cukup bahan, badan pulak kepenatan
    malam ni usahakan jugak2..

    tapi.. setelah selesai godek & mix everything
    baru sedar. eh! muffins ni takdak butter atau minyak!
    makcik kata muffins yang sehat la tu buk..
    hehe. i wish!
    but i "cleverly" added a few tbs of milk
    walhasil.. its too moist err.. wet!

    sumber: lifestylefood.com.au
    the recipe below makes 24muffins or less.
    • Olive Oil or Canola spray
    • 2 cups Wholemeal self raising flour
    • 2 cups white Self Raising Flour
    • 1 cup brown sugar
    • 2 Eggs
    • 150 ml Low Fat Natural Yoghurt
    • ½ cup orange juice
    • 1 large Banana peeled and chopped
    • 1 Pear cored and diced
    • ½ cup Buttermilk or low fat milk
      1. Preheat oven to 170˚C.
      2. Lightly spray muffin trays with oil.
      3. Sift flours, returning husk from wholemeal flour to the bowl, add brown sugar.
      4. In a separate bowl mix eggs, yoghurt and juice. Combine with the flour mix and fold through fruit and milk (you may need less milk depending on moisture in fruit).
      5. Do not over-mix. Spoon mixture into trays.
      6. Bake near the top of the oven for 18-20 minutes.
      7. Turn onto a wire rack to cool.

      Any unsweetened fruit juice maybe used.
      Use apples, blueberries or other firm fruit to vary the flavour.
      Make 12 muffins and 1 loaf, by spooning half the mixture into a greased loaf tin.
      Bake the loaf in the middle of the oven for 35 minutes, or until firm and golden brown.
      Bake near the top of the oven for 18-20 minutes.

      its not sweet at all and a bit err.. wet! huhu..
      so very padat & so very full bila makan seketul!
      hmm.. i have a feeling the kiddos wont like it..
      now am contemplating.. nak bagi ke tak to the kids & t.zarina?
      it will ruin my image of supplying muffins sedap! haha. senget! :p

      Sunday, June 19, 2011


      i have been keeping this recipe for almost a year!
      kertas yg print out this recipe pun dah hampir lunyai
      dibuka ditelek & dilipat simpan semula entah berapa puluh kali
      sampailah pagi ni.. berhajat nak buat utk breakfast
      namun apakan daya.. bahan tak cukup pulak!
      berebut telur dgn budak2 sbb depa nak makan nasik lemak
      sebagai ibu mithali.. kenalah dulukan anak2 tersayang :)

      so petangnya (almost maghrib dah pun).. lepas siapkan dinner..
      godek2 kejap.. sementara tggu doh naik boleh mandi solat selesai belaka2..

      ops.. sekejap. pandoro ni apakebenda sebenarnya?
      dah selesai buat dan jamah baru terlintas nak cari.. :p
      wisegeek kata, its a sweet italian bread yg biasanya dimakan semasa krismas
      biasanya dibuat dlm bentuk star yg tinggi (loyang dalam)
      tapi ada jugak yg plain & ditabur dengan gula aising diatasnya
      yang saya buat ni.. plain tanpa gula aising tapi ditabur gula castor semasa bakar

      sumber: technicolor kitchen
      • ½ cup (120ml) lukewarm whole milk
      • 28g dry yeast (4 sachets)
      • 2/3 cup (66g) caster (superfine) sugar, plus extra for glazing
      • 4 1/3 cups (605g) all purpose flour
      • pinch of salt
      • ¾ cup + 1 tablespoon (183g) unsalted butter, softened
      • 2 egg yolks
      • ¾ cup (180ml) heavy cream
      • 1 egg yolk, mixed with 1 tablespoon of cream, for egg wash

      this is half of the recipe only..

      1. Combine milk, yeast and 1 tablespoon of the sugar in a bowl. Set aside until foamy (5-10 minutes). Sift in 50g of the flour, mix and stand until foamy (5-10 minutes).
      2. Place the remaining flour and salt in the large bowl of a stand mixer. Add butter and remaining sugar and, with the paddle attachment, beat until creamy.
      3. Change attachment to a dough hook, add yeast mixture, egg yolks and cream and beat until a smooth and elastic dough forms (10-12 minutes).
      4. Transfer dough to a lightly buttered bowl, cover with plastic wrap and stand in a warm place until doubled in size (1-2 hours).
      5. Preheat the oven to 200°C/392°F. Knock back dough and roll out to a 65cm (26in) long log shape. Twist log, bring ends together and knot to seal.
      6. Transfer to a foil-lined baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 170°C/338°F. Brush cake with the egg wash, scatter with the extra caster sugar and bake until cooked through and golden (30-35 minutes).
      Serve cake warm with the peach jam. <-- i ate with strawberry jam
      i use milk instead of egg-wash.
      the crust is crunchy but soft.. but the bread is much softer! and so buttery! and so sedap!

      Friday, June 17, 2011

      jam slice

      entah kenapa.. terlebih rajin pulak semalam..
      sambil2 tunggu kak insyirah siapkan homework
      ummi dia godek2 dapur buat jam slice ni..

      sumber: technicolorkitchen
      • 125g (4oz) butter, softened
      • 1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar
      • 1 cup (135g) all purpose flour, sifted
      • 1 teaspoon baking powder
      • 1 egg yolk
      • ¾ cup raspberry jelly – I used strawberry <-- same here. saya cairkan dulu jem dgn sedikit air panas


      • ½ cup (113g) caster sugar
      • 1 egg, lightly beaten
      • 1 cup (90g) desiccated coconut

      1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF; line a 20x30cm (8x12in) slice pan* with non-stick baking paper.
      2. Process the butter, sugar, flour and baking powder in a food processor until combined - I used my Kitchen Aid with the paddle attachment.
      3. Add the egg yolk and continue to process until the mixture forms a soft dough. Press into the prepared pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the base is golden brown. Allow to cool then spread with the jam.
      4. To make the topping, combine the sugar, egg and coconut. Sprinkle over the jam. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden. Cool in the pan. Cut into slices.
      * I used regular pans, both times – no removable bottom. I just left a bit of paper hanging out of the pan to work as “handles” – this way, it was easier to remove the cookie from the pan and slice it into bars.

      Makes 24 slices – I got 16 larger slices from the 18x28cm pan and 9 large slices from the 20cm square pan. <-- up till this sentence.. is from technicolor kitchen

      saya guna swissroll pan. hasilnya sangat nipis! kalau suka biskut lebih tebal, sila guna loyang 4segi 8inci dan bakar lebih lama. 

      lebih mudah guna long serraated knife utk potong slice ni..

      the top is crunchy and the jam layer is chewy.
      sedap tau! tak puas makan sekeping :D
      saya bawa ke usrah.. together with the banana cake.. 
      guess which one is the winner?
      this jam slice!! 
      cik zie suruh buat as kuih raya.. 
      err.. kang lemau pulak itu coconut..

      marble-not chocolate banana cake

      asal2 nak buat buttermilk banana bread..
      ntah macam mana terkona buat marble-not banana cake
      itulah perancangan manusia.. Allah yang Menentukan
      sepertimana perancangan firaun.. yg ingin kekal berkuasa selama-lamanya
      sehingga sanggup membunuh puluhan ribu bayi lelaki
      semata-mata kerana mimpinya yg diramalkan oleh ahli nujum bahawa
      seorang bayi lelaki akan dilahirkan dan kelak akan menjadi musuh kerajaan dan bahkan akan membinasakannya.
      tengoklah bagaimana perancangan Allah..
      akhirnya bayi yang dibela dan dibesarkan Firaun sendiri yang menjadi penyebab kehancurannya..

      err.. kek pisang ini langsung tiada kena mengena dengan firaun. harap maklum.

      sumber: nasilemaklover
      • 150g butter
      • 80g sugar
      • 2 eggs (large)
      • 160g cake flour
      • 1/2tsp vanilla essence
      • 1tsp of double action baking powder <-- normal bp pun boleh. i think!
      • 180g mashed banana <-- dalam 1 1/4cwn
      • 1tbsp cocoa powder <-- saya guna chocolate emulco 1sdb
      • 3tbsp chocolate chips
      1. Sift cake flour and baking powder in a bowl.
      2. Beat butter with the sugar until pale and fluffy.
      3. Add in egg one at a time, add in vanilla, mixing well.
      4. Fold in flour, mashed banana and chocolate chips, combine well.
      5. Divide cake mixture into 2 portions, add cocoa powder into 1 portion.
      6. Pour cake mixture into cake tin and make marble effect.
      7. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180C for 45mins or skewer come out clean.

      saya guna loyang 8inci.. agak pendek kek tapi kira ok jugak ;)
      saya longgok adunan putih dan kemudian terus longgok selonggok besar adunan koko.. maka kesan marble = zero! cara yg sesuai, drop a spoonful of adunan koko secara bertompok2 keatas adunan putih.. dan kemudian lorek dengan pisau tajam atau lidi hingga terbentuk kesan marble.

      kek ni padat dan sangat lembut.. rasanya sebab guna tepung kek (low protein) dan kedua, sebab tepung yg dah sedia ringan itu diayak terlebih dahulu.. 

      Monday, June 13, 2011

      Best Cocoa Brownies (adapted from Alice Medrich's Bittersweet)

      dah lama tak buat brownies..
      bila jumpa resepi ni..
      teringin pulak nak rasa
      cara nak buat pun senang
      sekejap ja godek2 dah zass masuk oven :)

      sumber: needmorenoms
      • 140g unsalted butter
      • 250g gula <-- saya letak 180g
      • 72g serbuk koko
      • 1/4sdk garam
      • 1/2sdk vanilla extract
      • 2biji telur, sejuk
      • 70g tepung
      1. panaskan oven 165C. gris dan lapik loyang 8x8inci dengan aluminium foil/parchment paper, biar terlebih dibahagian kiri dan kanan supaya senang nak angkat.
      2. satukan butter, gula, serbuk koko dan garam dalam mangkuk besi dan double boil hingga butter cair. bila butter dah cair, asingkan dari air panas dan biar sejuk seketika.
      3. masukkan vanilla dan telur. gaul sehingga betul2 sebati.
      4. masukkan tepung dan gaul sebati sehingga tidak kelihatan walau setitik tepung.
      5. tuang adunan dalam loyang dan bakar selama 20-25minit.
      6. biar sejuk dalam 10minit baru angkat foil/ paper drp loyang. potong menggunakan pisau bergerigi, bila dah betul2 sejuk.
      sangat2 moist, chewy dan fudgy!
      you never know it does not have a choc bar init!
      am glad i reduced the sugar.. itupun masih manis..
      guanelah kalau guna 250g gula? manis melompat2 agaknya??

      apricot and walnut quickbread

      i planned to bake this cake for families in kuantan
      tapi apakan daya hajat tak kesampaian
      manusia merancang tapi hanya Allah yang menentukan..

      malam sebelumnya lubang sinki tersumbat
      bukan setakat tersumbat biasa..
      air bertakung dan bila dipam bertambah membuak2 keluar
      pinggan dan periuk yg sedia ada belum dibasuh dah bertapuk
      by 11pm, usaha masih buntu.. maka tidur lebih diperlukan.
      alhamdulillah.. esoknya cik abe minta tlg pak eddy..
      sekejap saja dah selesai. tapi diriku masih diopis!
      slps pulang kerja.. slps solat maghrib.. terus gerak ke kuantan
      memang tak sempat nak bake apa2! :(

      hari ni balas dendam.. lepas gian
      saya bakar kek ni.. dan jugak cocoa brownies
      tapi siapa yg nak makan nih?? adehhh....
      btw, this is an award winning - blue ribbon cake
      tertanya2 jugak.. sedap sungguh ka?

      sumber: gracehillbandb <-- its a motel website and its very beautiful (the motel)!
      • 1 C Sugar <-- i reduce to 3/4C
      • 2 Tbsp Soft Butter
      • 1 Egg
      • ¾ C Orange Juice with Extra Pulp <-- abt 1large orange
      • 2 C Flour
      • 2 tsp Baking Powder
      • ¼ tsp Soda
      • 1 tsp Salt
      • ¾ C Chopped Walnuts
      • 6 oz Dried Apricots
      1. Dice up apricots, then pour boiling water over them and let set for 30 minutes.
      2. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and beat, then orange juice and beat.
      3. Add flour, baking powder, soda and salt and mix.
      4. Drain apricots and blot well. Hand stir in apricots and walnuts.
      5. Grease and flour bread pan. Put wax paper on bottom.
      6. Bake at 350 for 65 to 70 minutes. Test with toothpick. Let cool for 20 minutes before flipping out of pan.
      less butter. less sugar. less egg. my husband asked: is this a healthy cake? i dunno! but i hope so :)
      the fact that he ate one whole slice makes me happy (he rarely eat a cake. let alone one slice)
      eh, dah cut & paste resepi in english, cakap omputeh plak :p
      kek ni sangat2 berbeza drp kek biasa. padat dgn apricot & walnut.. nothing like a butter cake. and its better to eat not on the day its made.. macam kari mamak pulak. simpan dulu.. makan esok, lagi umph!

      Tuesday, June 7, 2011

      japanese milky madeleine

      kalau french madeleine = bahulu matsaleh,
      yang ini pulak bahulu jepun ;)

      masa mula2 jumpa resepi ni rasa tak sabarnya nak buat
      tapi bila belek betul2 tatacara pembuatan..
      terasa macam.. aih.. renyahnya! (dasar pemalas :p)

      smlm sebelum tidoq sempat belek2 resepi ni
      sambil membayangkan proses pembuatannya
      memang agak renyah tapi tak susah mana pun..
      am so gonna make it tomorrow!
      utk stok makan sibudak kecik dan umminya

      sumber: needmorenoms (adapted from keiko ishida book: okashi treats)
      • 120g tepung pastry <-- saya ganti dengan tepung kek (low protein)
      • 20g tepung beras atau tepung jagung <-- saya guna tepung beras
      • 15g susu tepung
      • 1/2sdk baking powder
      • 15g madu 
      • 1sdb air panas
      • 100g unsalted butter
      • 50g heavy cream (at least 45% milk fat)
      • 1sdk vanilla
      • 140g telur <-- 3biji telur
      • secubit garam
      • 150g japanese sugar <-- caster sugar - saya kurangkan ke130g
      1. panaskan oven ke suhu 170C.
      2. ayak tepung2, susu tepung dan baking powder. dalam mangkuk atau cawan kecil, sebatikan madu dan air panas. ketepikan dulu kedua-dua bekas tersebut.
      3. masukkan butter, heavy cream dan vanilla kedalam mangkuk besi atau any heatproof bowl. double -boil sehingga butter cair.
      4. dalam mangkuk besi yg berasingan, pukul telur dan garam sehingga kuning telur pecah. masukkan gula dan double-boil sehingga adunan telur agak suam (jangan sampai telur masak sudah!) sambil2 tu pukul adunan tersebut menggunakan whisker sehingga sebati. 
      5. bila dah suam, asingkan bekas telur dan pukul menggunakan hand mixer sehingga kembang (saya tuang kedalam stand mixer) dalam 5minit. masukkan madu dan pukul sebati.
      6. kaupbalikkan adunan tepung kedalam adunan telur dengan perlahan2, sehingga sebati.
      7. tuang adunan butter+cream dan kaupbalikkan sehingga sebati.
      8. pipe atau sendukkan adunan kedalam muffins case. dan bakar selama 25minit atau sehingga keperangan.
      its a simple looking cake, 
      made with passion and love.. 
      surely it tasted lovely!
      ok, frankly speaking..
      bahulu jepun ni lembut, wangi dan lemak.
      saya mesti pilih! :p

      Sunday, June 5, 2011

      sausage pizza puff aka cekodok sosej & cis

      this is the kiddos (and ummi too) breakfast today..
      a very quick & easy one!
      glad they love it :)
      when muaz ask what itis
      i told him.. its cekodok with sosej & cheese :p

      arghhh.. bad picture = an eyesore!

      source: amandascookin
      • 3/4 cup flour
      • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
      • 3/4 cup milk
      • 1 egg, lightly beaten
      • 4 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded (about 1 cup)
      • 4 ounces pepperoni and/or sausage, cut into small pieces (about 1 cup)
      • 1/2 cup pizza sauce
      1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease a 24-cup mini muffin pan.
      2. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder; whisk in the milk and egg. Stir in the mozzarella and pepperoni and/or sausage; let stand for 10 minutes.
      3. Stir the batter and divide among the mini-muffin cups. Bake until puffed and golden, 20 to 25 minutes.
      4. Serve the puffs with the pizza sauce for dipping.

      Friday, June 3, 2011

      cinnamon roll cake

      semalam cik abe pegi beli brg2 kat giant
      tapi by the time dia balik.. dah hampir 11pm
      its my bedtime oredi!
      pagi tadi lepas subuh terasa bersemangat nak bake
      turun dapur tgk bahan2 dah cukup belaka
      terus on baking mode ;)

      sumber: the girl who ate everything

      • 3 cups flour
      • ¼ teaspoon salt
      • 1 cup sugar
      • 4 teaspoons baking powder
      • 1 ½ cups milk
      • 2 eggs
      • 2 teaspoons vanilla
      • 1/2 cup (1 stick) real butter, melted
      • 1 cup (2 sticks) real butter, softened
      • 1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 cup dark brown sugar
      • 2 tablespoons flour
      • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
      • 3/4 cup chopped pecans, optional <-- i use walnuts
      • 2 cups powdered sugar
      • 4 - 5 tablespoons milk <-- i added abt 7tbs
      • 1 teaspoon vanilla
      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
      2. In an electric or stand mixer mix the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, milk, eggs and vanilla. 
      3. Once combined well, slowly stir in the 1/2 cup melted butter. 
      4. Pour batter into a greased 9 x 13 inch baking pan. 
      5. In a large bowl, mix the 2 sticks of softened butter, sugars, flour, cinnamon and pecans (if using) until well combined. Drop evenly over cake batter by the tablespoonsful and use a knife to marble/swirl through the cake.
      6. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out nearly clean from center. You want to make sure it’s done.
      7. Place powdered sugar, milk and vanilla in a large bowl. Whisk until smooth. Drizzle over warm cake. 
      8. Serve warm or at room temperature.

        before glazing

        just a light glaze.. so its less sweet compared to the thick glaze. i think!
        the glaze will harden and it will be like a crust covering the cake

        it is cinnamon roll.. of course it is manis leting! 
        but i loike!! :D
        the cake is soft and moist.. 
        kekadang tergeget kacang.. uuu.. crunchy! 
        i think i would add more nuts if i were to make it again..

        pst.. my dean attended the meeting and he had 4 servings of this cake!
        err.. ore kelate sah2 suka kue manis2 dok? :p

        raisins tea cake

        terasa kurang bersemangat utk bake lately..
        petang tadi member tanya nk bawak apa utk meeting esok?
        i told her.. taknak bawak apa2 boleh tak?
        anyhow, i do have some few recipes in the list to try out
        tapi disebabkan kurang bersemangat.. resepi2 tu dipandang sepi..
        rasa macam orang hilang chenta! kenapa ya?

        lepas dinner belek2 kejap buku cakes, bakes yg ada
        hmm.. terasa nak cuba buat tea cake ni pulak..
        kebetulan raisins yg dah berjaman lama dibeli masih suci murni
        tapinya.. stok bahan2 mentah pulak kekurangan :(
        baking powder tak cukup
        brown sugar tak cukup
        tepung pun sipi2 ja cukupnya
        well.. i just make do with whats left..

        sumber: cake keeper cakes
        • 3/4cwn air panas mendidih
        • 1 uncang english breakfast tea
        • 2cwn golden raisins
        • 2cwn tepung
        • 1/2cwn light brown sugar <-- terpaksa dicampur dgn castor sbb tak cukup
        • 1sdk baking powder <-- ada 3/4sdk ja :(
        • 1/4sdk baking soda
        • 1/4sdk garam <-- letak secubit sebab guna butter bergaram
        • 4sdb (60g) unsalted butter, suhu bilik <-- saya guna butter bergaram
        • 1 1/2sdb caraway seeds (optional) <-- jintan maniskah ini? saya letak 1/2sdk serbuk cengkih
        • 2/3cwn buttermilk <-- 1/2sdb cuka + 2/3cwn susu
        • 1biji telur dipukul sedikit
        1. rendam raisins dalam air panas + teh. tutup bekas dan biar raisins kembang dalam 30minit. selepas kembang, tapis buang air teh.
        2. panaskan oven 175C. gris dan tepungkan loaf pan 9x5inci.
        3. satukan semua bahan2 kering dalam mixer: tepung, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda dan garam. masukkan butter dan mix sehingga jadi macam breadcrumbs.
        4. masukkan raisins, caraway seeds, buttermilk dan telur dan gaul sebati.
        5. tuang kedalam loaf pan dan bakar selama 1jam.
        tekstur kek ni agak keras.
        its almost scones-like!
        i think its due to insufficient amount of baking powder.
        bila makan gitu je sedap la jugak.. sebab raisins sgt banyak!
        tp lebih nyaman bila dimakan bersama butter ;)

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