sangat2 terharu & at the same time feel very honoured
k.shidah informed i've been tagged.
pertama kali kena tag dlm blog ni..
to be frank, am not a friendly & peramah person..
maybe ppl can guess from the writing in my blog ;)
usually pertama kali jumpa, i will be kaku, keras and yes.. boring!
but its different when i met k.shidah.. she is so warm & welcoming
rasa macam dah kenal laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaama! hehe..
berbalik pula kepada niat asal buat blog ni..
hanyalah utk keep track resepi2 yang dah dicuba...
alang2 keep track, apa salahnya berkongsi dgn yg sudi :)
tapi saya jarang menyinggah dan meninggalkan jejak kat blog kawan2
kesibukan tak boleh dijadikan alasan.. org lain pun sibuk jugak!
cuma mungkin saya tak letak priority kat blog.. :|
maka.. saya agak tergagau2 nak siapkan
tag k.shidah ni.. :p
i'll try my best :)
This tag is all about your own stuff. I think it's a great idea to highlight some long forgotten posts or some lonely, neglected, uncommented recipe ... especially during one's early days of blogging. I'm happy to be tagged by kak shidah a.k.a sizuka to take part in this 7 - Link Challenge. That's 7 of your own posts in relation to the categories and then to nominate 5 victims bloggers to join in. No extra cooking or baking required.
2 simple rules:
1) publish links for the categories below (1 link per category)
2) nominate up to 5 bloggers to take part.
Here are my links:
1. The most beautiful post:
i remember i cant stop snapping at this
red velvet cheesecake. kejap2 snap. makan sikit snap. sikecik makan pun snap. ciwi betui! hehe.. my in laws really love it. lemak berkrim!
2. The most popular post:
susah betui part ni.. takdak yg fofular pun. huhuhu.. saya budak baru belajar. sangat2 amatur dlm baking.. baru tahun lepas buat sekuk raya sendiri! :p
anyway, saya pilih
biskut famous amos ni drpd list popular post sebab skrg musim buat biskut raya! hehe.. tapikan, kalau siapa2 nak buat biskut choc chip, saya propose
resepi biskut choc chip cookies ni. sgt crispy + crunchy & sgt digemari oleh eberibodi! adeh... perahsan di bulan puasa ni sungguh tak ble tahannnn!
3. The most controversial post:

part ni pun susah jugak. maklumlah.. tak ramai kawan, tak banyaklah komen! hehe..
kek buah kukus ni takdela kontroversi pun.. cumanya bila letak kat fb.. ramai yg komen kata nampak sedap.. member dok kat uk pun kepingin.. adoi.. bersalahnya rasa! last2 saya tarik balik gambar ni dr fb.. rasa berdosa plak dok tayang gambaq bg org kecoq. lagi satu sebab.. kek ni saya buat guna butter golden churn!nehiiiiii!!!! lagila bertambah rasa berdosa.. thn lepas bawak balik kampung bagi sedaramara 4 bijik.. yg kawan mintak tlg buat lagi. dah berapa ramai yg makan???? di musim raya pulak tu! huhuhuhuhu...
Semoga Allah ampunkan dosa hambanya yg jahil ini...
4. The most helpful post:
haih.. another difficult statement! hahaha.. kak shidah. i suppose am not worth to be tagged la kak. takde pun post yg layak dikategori sbg helpful. yang ini saya letak sebab opismate suka bangat dan dia try buat tak jadik smooth dan dia usaha bawak oven & mixer ke opis utk suruh saya tunjukkan cemana saya buat ciskek yang ni. :p
5. The post that was surprisingly successful:
this is the easiest part in this tag. hehe.. i made this
coca-cola cake for sil's birthday but end up makan dgn x-schoolmates during mini gathering. and they really love it! tak sangka pulak kek ni sgt lembut & moist sbb bila cuit sisa2 kat pan tu rasa mcm tak bes jek. plus the frosting is way too sweet! tapi bila dah sapu atas kek.. eh, oke je.. sedap pulak tu! hahaha.. another perahsan sesi :p
6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved:

adoii.. part ni pun susah bila org tak popular nak kena jawab. hahaha.. almost half.. or more that half of my post is not being commented.. so, it does not get the attention la kan? tapi masa awal2 dulu nobody knows the existence of this blog.. hmm... does that count? anyway, for a chocoholic.. i really love flourless cake and i hope this
black beast will get the attention of all chocolate lovers out there!
7. The post that I'm most proud of:
utk amatur macam saya.. 1st time pipe rosette (walaupun tak comey langsung!) atas
besday cake is one hell of an achievement! muahahahahaha... and this cake is so moist & loved by many (kata adik sayala.. dia bawak p opis kot?) eh, dah lama tak buat black forest kek ni. hmm.. sapa la pulak yg nk mkn posa2 nih..